
Consulting 2.jpg

Consultations can be scheduled as stand alone appointments or can be made as an add-on immediately before or after your regularly scheduled massage. These visits are typically 30-60 minutes in length can can be used to discuss and assess which forms of massage may be most beneficial for your condition or they can be used to help you along in your journey of self-care. Self-care recommendations can include demonstrations/instructions on how to use self-massage tools, stretching, meditation, and mindfulness.

But you usually answer questions during my normal visit, so why should I schedule extra time? I highly recommend keeping the questions during your session to a minimum so that both you and your therapist can be present in the moment and focus on the work and goals at hand. Remaining mostly quiet during the session, except as it relates to what is being done at the time, often helps you become more aware of your body and how you feel.

That said, while short straight forward questions may be able to be answered during your massage visit. Anything that requires more demonstration or further investigation should be scheduled as a consultation. If this is scheduled ahead of time, then your therapist can be more prepared for your questions and needs.

Rates for consultation visits can be found here.